Saturday, November 27, 2010


        HBMT 2103
711208 - 10 - 5380
016 - 3961701


Volume Of Liquid

Volume of liquid refers to the capacity of liquids in the containers. Capacity can be measured by using non standard units (more or less) and in standard units in millilitre (ml) and litre (l) in the metric system. Measurement is a set of complex skills and concepts that completely develop over a period of many years (Clements & Stephan, 2004). Typically, children are not able to successfully use all measuring tools or to create and use complex formulas until they are in the upper grades. Research indicates that it is best if measurement activities begin with learning non standard units (more or less) and by later by standard units (ml).

The video shows how volume of liquid is measured using a measuring cylinder. Since volume of an object is the amount of space it takes up, the video shows how to measure the volume of liquid using a graduated cylinder. (“Graduated” means that the cylinder is marked with measurement units.) Volume of a graduated cylinder is read at eye level. The water in a graduated cylinder has a curved surface called the meniscus. The volume at the bottom of the meniscus taken note is when measuring volume of particular liquid. The video points out that volume of a liquid is the capacity of liquid in the container .Thus the students will not be confused between the concept of height of a container and capacity of a container in order to measure the volume.

Investigations amount of liquids which can be poured between containers of different shapes and sizes. Exploration of capacity or volume of liquid involves manipulation of containers of various sizes that may either be collected or purchased for classroom activities. A cheap way to do the activities is to have students collect some containers such as mineral water bottles, soft drink cans, vases which can be easily found around them. Besides that, teacher can also display collections of measuring cylinders vary in sizes at a learning centre for students to explore capacity measurement

Measuring and Comparing the Volume of Liquid

Activity 1a: Measuring using non standard units for lower achiever students

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to measure and compare volume of liquids by using non-standard units.
Required Resource Materials: 

Measuring cylinder
Vocabularies to be used; 
 more, less, empty, half full, full,

In this activity teacher pours water in a measuring cylinder and guess how high up the water will go.
1. The teacher will show the class a cup full of water and an empty measuring cylinder.
2. The teacher asks the students what will happen when the water is poured into the measuring cylinder container. How far will it fill up?
3. The teacher asks the students whether the cylinder is full, empty or half full.
4. Each student in a group of 4 is given a cup full of water and 5 measuring cylinder. The students are asked to pour their cup of water into the measuring cylinder and determine volume of water using non standard units and write down on the worksheet given whether cylinder is full, empty or half full

Activity 1b: Measuring using standard units for higher achiever students

Learning Outcomes; 
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to measure and compare volume of liquids by using standard units

Required Material:

 Measuring cylinder

Vocabularies to be used;
1.Firstly teacher demonstrates to student how volume of liquid is measured using measuring cylinder.

2. Water in a graduated cylinder has a curved surface called the meniscus Read the volume at the bottom of the meniscus.

 3.  Each student in a group of 4 is given a cup full of water and 5 measuring cylinder. The students are asked to pour their cup of water into the measuring cylinder and determine the volume of water using standard unit measurement and write down on the worksheet given.

 For these activities students will learn how to measure volume of water using both standard and  non standard units. Early measurement experiences should emphasize the development of comparative language using nonstandard units of measurement. On the other hand, the standard measurement tools using scales should be included with the measurement materials for young children to explore formally.

Activity 2a: Measurements by comparison for lower achiever students

Learning Outcomes;
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to measure and compare volume of liquids.

Required Resource Materials: 
Bottles, containers, bowl, vases, cups

1.The students are divided into a group of four to learn and communicate through cooperative learning
2.Each group is given 5 set of containers of different sizes, a jug of water and a small cup as the measurement tool.
3.Each group will record the number of cups needed to fill the water in every containers on the worksheet given.

Type of Containers

Activity 2b: Measurements by comparison for higher achiever students

Learning Outcomes;
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to measure and compare volume of liquids.

Required Resource Materials: 
Bottles, containers, bowl, vases, cups
Measuring cylinders
1.Firstly the pair of students is given three or four different containers
2.The different type of containers contained water, will be measured using cups by pouring out the water into a measuring cylinder until the container is empty
3.Have the group count and estimate number of cups of water different container can hold and write on the worksheet.
4.Then the students are asked to measure the volume of water in measuring cylinder.
5. By this we can get the students to compare their estimation value and accurate value

Type of Containers

The bigger containers contain more volume of liquid and more cups are needed to fill in compared to smaller containers. With these activities by comparison students can relate the common attributes in our daily life. We often measure is capacity or volume where in our cooking we often add ingredients in terms of cups or fractions of cups .This rather straightforward technique conceals the difficulty of measuring volume.

Measuring Volume by Chatterton Helping Hands

Measuring volume by Peter Weatherall